Elasticsearch ile Veri Analizi

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Her Yönüyle Elasticsearch ile Veri Analizi

  • Module 1: Introduction to Elasticsearch

    +A Brief History of Search

    +How Does Search Work?

    +The Inverted Index

    +Lucene, an Open Source Search Library

    +Introducing Elasticsearch

    +Installing and Setting up Elasticsearch

    +Basic Concepts in Elasticsearch

    +Monitoring the Health of the Cluster

  • Module 2:CRUD Operations With Elasticsearch

    +Introducing the cURL Command Line Utility

    +Creating Indices

    +Adding Documents to an Index

    +Retrieving Whole and Partial Documents

    +Updating Whole and Partial Documents

    +Deleting Documents and Indices

    +Performing Bulk Operations on Documents

    +Bulk Indexing of Documents from a JSON File

  • Module 3 :Elasticsearch Search Requests Query With DSL

    +Setting up Fake Data for Queries

    +Search Using Query Params

    +Search Using the Request Body

    +Source Filtering Document Contents

    +Full Text Searches

    +The TF/IDF Algorithm for Relevance

    +Queries with Common Terms

    +Boolean Compund Queries

    +Term Queries and the Boost Parameter

    +Search Using the Filter Context

  • Module 4 :Aggregations With Elasticsearch

    +Recap: How Search Works

    +The Query and Filter Context

    +Setting up Fake Data for Queries

    +Search Using Query Params

    +Search Using the Request Body

    +Source Filtering Document Contents

    +Full Text Searches

    +The TF/IDF Algorithm for Relevance

    +Queries with Common Terms

    +Boolean Compund Queries

    +Term Queries and the Boost Parameter

    +Search Using the Filter Context