+Introduction to business intelligence
+Introduction to data analysis
+Introduction to data visualization
+Overview of self-service BI
+Considerations for self-service BI
+Microsoft tools for self-service BI
+Introduction to business intelligence
+Introduction to data analysis
+Introduction to data visualization
+Overview of self-service BI
+Considerations for self-service BI
+Microsoft tools for self-service BI
+Power BI
+The Power BI service
+Lab : Creating a Power BI dashboard
+Using Excel as a data source for Power BI
+The Power BI data model
+Using databases as a data source for Power BI
+The Power BI service
+Lab : Importing data into Power BI
+Power BI desktop queries
+Shaping data
+Combining data
+Lab : Shaping and combining data
+DAX queries
+Calculations and measures
+Lab : Modelling Data
+Creating Power BI reports
+Managing a Power BI solution
+Lab : Creating a Power BI report
+Cloud data
+Connecting to analysis services
+Lab : Direct Connectivity
+The developer API
+Custom visuals
+Lab : Using the developer API
+The Power BI mobile app
+Using the Power BI mobile app
+Power BI embedded
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