Oracle 12: PL/SQL ile Veri Tabanı Programlama

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Her Yönüyle Modül 1: PL-SQL Kavramları)

  • Module 1 : PL-SQL Concepts

    +PL-SQL in Client-Server Architecture

    +Use PL-SQL Anonymous Blocks

    +Understand How PL-SQL Gets Executed

    +PL-SQL in SQL*Plus

    +Use Substitution Variables

    +Use the DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE Statement

  • Module 2 : General Programming Language Concepts

    +Programming Fundamentals

    +Make Use of PL/SQL Language Components

    +Make Use of PL/SQL Variables

    +Handle PL/SQL Reserved Words

    +Make Use of Identifiers in PL/SQL

    +Make Use of Anchored Datatypes

    +Declare and Initialize Variables

    +Understand the Scope of a Block, Nested Blocks, and Labels

  • Module 3 : Using SQL in PL-SQL

    +Making Use of DML in PL/SQL

    +Use the Select INTO Syntax for Variable Initialization

    +Use DML in a PL/SQL Block

    +Make Use of a Sequence in a PL/SQL Block

    +Making Use of SAVEPOINT

    +Make Use of COMMIT, ROLLBACK, and SAVEPOINT in a PL/SQL Block

  • Module 4 : Conditional Control: IF Statements

    +IF Statements

    +Use the IF-THEN Statement

    +Use the IF-THEN-ELSE Statement ELSIF Statements

    +Use the ELSIF Statement

    +Nested IF Statements

    +Use Nested IF Statements

  • Module 5 : Conditional Control: CASE Statements

    +CASE Statements

    +Use the CASE Statement

    +Use the Searched CASE Statement

    +CASE Expressions

    +Use the CASE Expression

    +NULLIF and COALESCE Functions

    +The NULLIF Function

    +Use the COALESCE Function

  • Module 6 : Iterative Control: Part I

    +Simple Loops

    +Use Simple Loops with EXIT Conditions

    +Use Simple Loops with EXIT WHEN Conditions

    +WHILE Loops

    +Use WHILE Loops

    +Numeric FOR Loops

    +Use Numeric FOR Loops with the IN Option

    +Use Numeric FOR Loops with the REVERSE Option

  • Module 7 : Iterative Control: Part II

    +The CONTINUE Statement

    +Use the CONTINUE Statement

    +Use the CONTINUE WHEN Condition

    +Nested Loops

    +Use Nested Loops

  • Module 8 : Error Handling and Built-in Exceptions

    +Handling Errors

    +Understand the Importance of Error Handling

    +Built-in Exceptions

    +Use Built-in Exceptions

  • Module 9 : Exceptions

    +Exception Scope

    +Understand the Scope of an Exception

    +User-Defined Exceptions

    +Use User-Defined Exceptions

    +Exception Propagation

    +Understand How Exceptions Propagate

    +Reraise Exceptions

  • Module 10 : Exceptions: Advanced Concepts




    +USE the EXCEPTION_INIT Pragma



  • Module 11 : Introduction to Cursors

    +Cursor Manipulation

    +Make Use of Record Types

    +Process an Explicit Cursor

    +Make Use of Cursor Attributes

    +Put It All Together

    +Using Cursor FOR Loops and Nested Cursors

    +Use a Cursor FOR Loop

    +Process Nested Cursors

  • Module 12 : Advanced Cursors

    +Using Parameters with Cursors and Complex Nested Cursors

    +Use Parameters in a Cursor

    +Use Complex Nested Cursors


  • Module 13 : Triggers

    +What Triggers Are

    +Understand What a Trigger Is

    +Use BEFORE and AFTER Triggers

    +Types of Triggers

    +Use Row and Statement Triggers

    +Use INSTEAD OF Triggers

  • Module 14 : Compound Triggers

    +Mutating Table Issues

    +Understand Mutating Tables

    +Compound Triggers

    +Understand Compound Triggers

  • Module 15 : Collections

    +PL-SQL Tables

    +Use Associative Arrays

    +Use Nested Tables


    +Use Varrays

    +Multilevel Collections

    +Use Multilevel Collections

  • Module 16 : Records

    +Record Types

    +Use Table-Based and Cursor-Based Records

    +Use User-Defined Records

    +Nested Records

    +Use Nested Records

    +Collections of Records

    +Use Collections of Records

  • Module 17 : Native Dynamic SQL


    +Use the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE Statement

    +OPEN-FOR, FETCH, and CLOSE Statements

    +Use OPEN-FOR, FETCH, and CLOSE Statements

  • Module 18 : Bulk SQL

    +The FORALL Statement

    +Use the FORALL Statement

    +The BULK COLLECT Clause

    +Use the BULK COLLECT Statement

  • Module 19 : Procedures

    +Creating Procedures

    +Query the Data Dictionary for Information on Procedures

    +Passing Parameters into and out of Procedures

    +Use IN and OUT Parameters with Procedures

  • Module 20 : Functions

    +Creating and Using Functions

    +Create Stored Functions

    +Make Use of Functions

    +Invoke Functions in SQL Statements

    +Write Complex Functions

  • Module 21 : Packages

    +The Benefits of Using Packages

    +Create Package Specifications

    +Create Package Bodies

    +Call Stored Packages

    +Create Private Objects

    +Create Package Variables and Cursors

    +Cursor Variables

    +Make Use of Cursor Variables

    +Extending the Package

  • Module 22 : Stored Code

    +Gathering Information About Stored Code

    +Get Stored Code Information from the Data Dictionary

    +Enforce the Purity Level with the RESTRICT_REFERENCES Pragma

    +Overload Modules

  • Module 23 : Object Types in Oracle

    +Object Types

    +Use Object Types

    +Use Object Types with Collections

    +Object Type Methods

    +Use Object Type Methods

  • Module 24 : Oracle Supplied Packages

    +Making Use of Oracle Supplied Packages to Profile PL-SQL, Access Files, and Schedule Jobs

    +Access Files with UTL_FILE

    +Schedule Jobs with DBMS_JOB

    +Submit Jobs